Calligraphy on Church Walls

In the Spring, Associate Pastor Nancy Ross-Zimmerman approached me with the idea of lettering and illuminating phrases from Romans 12, in Northminster Presbyterian Church’s Commons room. After meeting with the art committee-Rich Schafermeyer, Gary Lord and Helen Haberstroh, I was off and lettering! First I sketched 3 styles on graph paper.
Uncial was their choice, so on a long roll of brown paper I lettered the words, in a first attempt to see how the words might look.
Next, I traced over the letters on a 12″x 50′ white tracing paper, refining them as I went.
While standing on a rolling scaffold, compliments of Gary Lord of Prismatic Painting Studios, I taped the 50′ long sketch along each of the two soffits in the Commons Room.
Fifteen to eighteen feet off of the ground.
After tracing it onto the walls, the painting began. I used eight colors of Sherwin-Williams paint. Each letter was painted twice and a highlight was added.
Ten illuminated letters were also a part of the project, one at the start of each phrase. 23k loose leaf gold was applied as well.
After about 123 hours of work, the last flourish appropriately was put on the word ‘Love’. Then, it occurred to me how much this project was food for the soul. Matthew 4:4 says “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”. How fitting that my palette was a church dinner plate!  
My hope is that those who read these Romans 12 words will find encouragement and strength. A big thank you to the dear people of Northminster Presbyterian – it was a delight and a gift to work with you on this project!

Calligraphy in Weddings!

This Spring, my life has been filled with weddings. Both my son and daughter were married within 7 weeks of each other. In May, my daughter and her husband were married under two big oak trees.

Afterwards, we walked several yards to the barn reception. Heidi did a great job of carrying through the barn theme.

One of her projects was the signage. She spray painted white, some old gold frames that were sitting in my studio for years. After spray painting some plywood with black chalkboard paint, she placed that in the opening of the frame.

On her wedding morning, she handed me some chalk and said “Mom, can you hand letter 5 signs for me?” Before dashing home to get dressed for the wedding,  I made it through “Welcome” and “Thank you”.


I hope this gives you a little idea for your barn or casual outdoor wedding!

It’s Wedding Season!

BOTH of my grown children are getting married this year!  One in March and one in May – whew! I have been busily designing invitations and addressing envelopes (more on this to come).

My daughter, Heidi, is engaged to a wonderful man, Phil.  They asked me to do something special for their engagement photos.  Like many couples, Heidi and Phil took a few photos for use on their Save the Date card during their engagement shoot.  I designed a white on black, flourished Save the Date poster for them.  It was elegant, but bold.

(Photo credit: Shashank Shrestha)

I like the way that they were both in the picture as well as the design….which could also be used on it’s own. This is available for ‘rent’, if you would like to use the image on your card.(Photo credit: Shashank Shrestha)

The Save-the-Date sign will be up on my website soon!  Until then, call my studio if you’d like to use the sign in your photos!  I am so excited to see what other fun touches of calligraphy Heidi and I come up with.  Keep reading to check in on our progress and ideas!

The Season of Love

Happy Valentine’s Day to you! This is a wonderful time of year for a calligrapher. Gentlemen and ladies alike come with their proposals and poems of love, so I know first hand of some of the current Cincinnati romances! Letters, flourishes, colors and gold or silver… you can help me design something unique for your special someone!

Above is my Grow Old Along With Me print, by Robert Browning.  My Falling In Love GREETING CARD was reprinted in November (it’s a best selling print, too) and I restocked some favorite Valentine Cards for Son, Wife, Mom and special Love’s.  Papers that my PRINTS are reproduced on have been upgraded to Fine Art paper from the Archival smooth paper!  Inks colors are vivid and the detail precise. Your loved ones can keep these fine art calligraphy prints as long as they like.

As always, call me to set up a shopping day and let me help you pick out something unique for the people you love!

Studio Open House – December 3 & 8, 2011

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m
Thursday, December 8th, 2011  10 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Gifts from the Heart! Meaningful words…..CALLIGRAPHY!


Browse by the fireside sipping a cup of hot wassail.

Bring a friend and receive a free print as my gift to you.

I’m looking forward to visiting with you!


My address is on my Contact page.

You are welcome to pre-order by calling or emailing.

View designs on my website!